Replacement functions have names in the form of xxx<-
and they modify their arguments in place. Here’s an example.
`replace_1st<-` = function(x, value) {
x[1] = value
x = rep(2, 5)
replace_1st(x) = 0L
## [1] 0 2 2 2 2
The following code finds all replacement functions that are also primitive functions in the R base package.
# get a list of functions in the base package
objs = mget(ls("package:base"), inherits = TRUE)
funs = Filter(is.function, objs)
# get a list of replacement functions in the base package
replacement.funs = funs[grep("[a-zA-Z]+<-$", names(funs))]
## List of 28
## $ attr<- :function (x, which, value)
## $ attributes<- :function (obj, value)
## $ body<- :function (fun, envir = environment(fun), value)
## $ class<- :function (x, value)
## $ colnames<- :function (x, value)
## $ comment<- :function (x, value)
## $ diag<- :function (x, value)
## $ dim<- :function (x, value)
## $ dimnames<- :function (x, value)
## $ Encoding<- :function (x, value)
## $ environment<- :function (fun, value)
## $ formals<- :function (fun, envir = environment(fun), value)
## $<- :function (x, value)
## $ length<- :function (x, value)
## $ levels<- :function (x, value)
## $ mode<- :function (x, value)
## $ mostattributes<-:function (obj, value)
## $ names<- :function (x, value)
## $ oldClass<- :function (x, value)
## $ parent.env<- :function (env, value)
## $ regmatches<- :function (x, m, invert = FALSE, value)
## $ row.names<- :function (x, value)
## $ rownames<- :function (x, value)
## $ split<- :function (x, f, drop = FALSE, ..., value)
## $ storage.mode<- :function (x, value)
## $ substr<- :function (x, start, stop, value)
## $ substring<- :function (text, first, last = 1000000L, value)
## $ units<- :function (x, value)
# which ones are primitive functions
names(replacement.funs)[sapply(replacement.funs, is.primitive)]
## [1] "attr<-" "attributes<-" "class<-" "dim<-"
## [5] "dimnames<-" "environment<-" "length<-" "levels<-"
## [9] "names<-" "oldClass<-" "storage.mode<-"
To learn more, read the chapter on functions from Hadley’s book, Advanced R.